The Light Princess

The Rabbit Room has released a new edition of The Light Princess!

(So, of course, I ordered one right way and waited to get my ink-stained hands on it)

It is stunning, straight out of the box. Beautifully leather-bound, in a rich blue, with an embossed cover designed by Ned Bustard. You could display it as art in its own right just as it is.

Ned also provides the linocut artwork inside which richly illustrate the story, but then he has gone one step further. Inside of the illustrations belonging to the story at hand, are "Easter eggs" from other GM stories. This is sure to delight those familiar with GM's work, and also provides depth to those who may not know, but will hopefully discover the connections.

Ned discovered GM through C.S. Lewis, as did author Jennifer Trafton who provides the forward.When asked about his influences Ned replied

"I am a big CS Lewis fan and discovered GM through reading how important he was to him. My influences are medieval woodcuts mostly. I look at a lot of woodcuts and linocuts online. That is sure to impact my work. And I grew up reading comic books! Of late I have been very interested in German Expressionism. I also am captivated by Ethiopian icons."

Discussing comics and influences Ned listed Frank Miller (saying "His run on Daredevil is my favorite

But it is his use of positive and negative space that impacts my work the most."), Jim Lee, John Byrne, Walt Simonson, Arthur Adams, George Perez, and Michael Golden.

For this reader, it took me back to a school library, that had books on vampires and werewolf legends throughout history, and the woodcut illustrations in those volumes which captivated my imagination as a kid. Ned's subject matter is less gruesome certainly, but the stylization took me back. A small side illustration sample below. He also provides a short artist note in the volume.

Jennifer Trafton, when asked about her GM connection, stated

" I too first came to GM through reading Lewis—Surprised by Joy and The Great Divorce—during college. I read Phantastes first, then the Princess books, and from then on to many, many others." Her insightful forward adds much to the enjoyment of the story.

Andrew Peterson provides the afterword and resonated with this reader as well. I won't provide spoilers for it but can state I agree wholeheartedly with his point and advice.

I hope there are future editions in this format, and recommend this volume without reservation. Normally $18 it is currently at the time of this posting listed for $16 at

Reasonable for a normal edition, definitely worth the price for all the thought and attention put into this beautiful volume.

Thanks to Ned and Jennifer for their online discussion with me, and to Ned, Jennifer, and Andrew for helping keep GM's work alive and fresh for a new generation of readers.

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