Featuring an account of a MacDonald lecture, the recent Bicentenary Conference, the Scotsman’s Unitarian connections, and much more!
Wingfold Fall 2024
Wingfold Summer 2024
Wingfold Spring 2024
Wingfold is a quarterly magazine that restores material by and about George MacDonald, in print since 1993. The issues feature the first reprints of press reports covering MacDonald's extempore sermons and lectures, the first publication of MacDonald family letters from diverse collections, reprinted articles on MacDonald by his contemporaries, new articles providing new information on the MacDonald family, and rare illustrations for MacDonald's works. Subscriptions to Wingfold (see sidebar at right) are $25 for US subscribers, $28 for Canadian subscribers, and $40 for overseas subscribers (see links on the right). The subscription fee covers all issues for the calendar year, so no material is missed. Most of back issues are still available, at $5 each U.S.
Some of these issues contain the first known reprints of short stories, articles and poems written by George MacDonald that had not been previously documented. Our complete tables of contents are listed at the Marion E. Wade Center's website and also featured on this website. For detailed information and availability regarding the back issues, please contact the editor, Barbara Amell, at b_amell@q.com
Wingfold Winter 2024
Wingfold Fall 2023
Wingfold Summer 2023
Wingfold Spring 2023
“Dr. MacDonald’s appearance is striking—a tall, sturdy figure, slightly bowed by age, surmounted by a grand head, with bushy snow-white hair and beard; a head in fact, which somehow reminds one of an old prophet of the wilderness…”
—from a newspaper report of a lecture MacDonald gave in Belfast in 1891
Wingfold Winter 2023
“There are thousands of young women in London who are practically homeless for two or three hours after their day’s work is done; and it is a disgrace to us as a people that while so much care and toil have been expended over young men in a corresponding position, that sisters should have been so little considered.”
—from an address George MacDonald gave in May, 1876
Wingfold Fall 2022
Photograph of Sir Edward Troup and Lady Winifred Troup in court dress for the Coronation of King George V, 1911.
The Fall issue of Wingfold features Barbara’s in-depth research on the Troup family, which George’s daughter Winifred married into. And don’t miss the two articles on George’s 1867 sermon, “The Touchstone of Truth!”