The Light Princess: A New Graphic Novel Edition

It was only a matter of time before The Light Princess was adapted as a graphic novel. In 2019, Cave Pictures Publishing (think Plato, not The Flintstones) published both a paperback edition and a Kindle version broken into five twenty-eight page eBooks. The writer, Meredith Finch, and the illustrators, Renae de Liz and Ray Dillon, are talented comic-book veterans. Fans of D.C.’s Wonder Woman comics will recognize their names.

I’m always glad to see MacDonald’s works brought to new audiences who might otherwise never have come across the Scotsman, and Cave Pictures’ edition of The Light Princess is sure to do just that. Finch makes the story her own—hers is what I imagine a Hollywood adaption might look like. So while it will no doubt succeed with graphic-novel and comic-book readers unfamiliar with MacDonald (who, one hopes, will then want to read the book), it’s less likely to appeal to those who have read the original. Finch was probably wise not to try to incorporate MacDonald’s ironic, humorous narration into a comic-book format. Nonetheless, its absence made me realize just how big a part his narration plays in making The Light Princess such a wonderful story. That being said, if you’re a collector, this edition is a must-have.

From the author, Meredith Finch:

One of my favorite things about working on The Light Princess was that it introduced me to the writings of the incredible George MacDonald. The writings of C.S. Lewis are intelligent and logical and, in many ways, magical. But the fantastical writings of George MacDonald give us a direct insight into the heart and soul of a man completely and totally devoted to God. Raised in a strict Calvinist setting, it is incredible how easily George MacDonald can cut to the
very heart of Jesus’s teachings…love.
While I have loved every project I have worked on, I believe there is something greater at work in the pages of The Light Princess. The artwork by Renae De Liz and Ray Dillion is breathtaking. That there is so much emotion and heart on the pages of this story is a testament to their talents, and I thank them both for their efforts. I am also incredibly grateful to the Cave team for allowing me to be a part of this journey and giving me the opportunity to share the beauty
and magic of George MacDonald’s fairy tale with you.
Happy reading and God bless.

From Cave Pictures Publishing:

At Cave Pictures Publishing, our mission is to be a wall for modern myth-making, a 21st century continuation of the culture-shaping mythological work of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and other Inklings writers. But of course, before Lewis and Tolkien, there was George MacDonald, a theologian and man of letters who birthed the modern fantasy genre. As Cave was selecting stories for its initial round of creation and publication, we reviewed a number of MacDonald's fairy tales and fantasy works, looking for one suited to adaptation into a graphic novel for all ages. The Light Princess came to the fore as an allegorical tale about sacrificial love that kids and their parents could enjoy together. Moreover, the characters and setting of The Light Princess provide great fodder for visual storytelling, making it an ideal candidate for graphic novel adaptation. We were thrilled to have Meredith Finch agree to write the script and brought Renae De Liz and Ray Dillon on board to illustrate. Cave is immensely satisfied with the final product, and hope you are able to enjoy it as well!