The Wise Woman

I first met George in the middle of a hot and humid Venezuelan jungle over 30 years ago. After the busy day of work was done, I would stay up, reading the intriguing stories accompanied by rain-forest sounds outside my open window.

I became fonder of him with each book. His shaking and soothing influence on me over the years has done a serious work in my spirit while satisfying the creative side of my soul. Who would think that truth and imagination could accomplish so much together and be so beautiful! I give him credit for softening and warming the harsher, colder me.

I first heard The Wise Woman as an audio book while traveling in an old motor home from Canada to Mexico with my husband, three of my kids and a future son-in-law. Recently, I read it slowly, appreciating this look at God who patiently serves, caring for and teaching these Somebodies who are all too familiar to me. Brave George, using a woman to show the many aspects of the way of Wisdom, the loving Trainer, the Child of the flowers!

What a lovely woman (though seen as an ugly old lady by selfish little girls), wise and as playful as a sweet girl with flowers…