But it is not the rich man only who is under the dominion of things; they too are slaves who, having no money, are unhappy from the lack of it. The man who is ever digging his grave is little better than he who already lies moldering in it...
The Hardness of the Way
The Hardness of the Way
the Hardness of the Way
It always will be hard to enter into the kingdom of heaven. It is hard even to believe that one must be born from above—must pass into a new and unknown consciousness. The ceremonial Christian and the law-faithful Jew both shrink from the self-annihilation, the life of grace and truth, the all-embracing love that fills the law full and sets it aside. They cannot accept a condition of being as in itself eternal life.
The Hardness of the Way
The Hardness of the Way
Or are you so well satisfied with what you are, that you have never hungered and thirsted after the righteousness of God, the perfection of your being? If so, then be comforted; the Master does not require of you to sell what you have and give to the poor. You follow him! Bring him a true heart, an obedient hand:....
The Hardness of the Way
The Hardness of the Way
“Why should it be difficult for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven?” He is ready to look upon this as an arbitrary decree, arising from some prejudice in the divine mind. Why should the rich fare differently? They do not perceive that the law is they shall fare like other people, whereas they want to fare as rich people...