Was the Lord then premature in his demand? Was the youth not ready for it? I do not believe it. He gave him the very next lesson in the divine education for which he was ready; it was time the demand should be made upon him...
The Way
The Way
The Way
The youth is looking for some unknown good thing to do, and the Lord sends him back to the doing of what he knows, and that in answer to his question concerning the way to eternal life. He has already more than hinted where the answer lies, namely, in God himself, but that the youth is not yet capable of receiving; he must begin with him farther back:...
The Way
The Way
The God of the Living
The Way
The God of the Living
The God of the Living
The God of the Living
Love Thine Enemy
Love Thine Enemy
Love Thine Enemy
Love Thine Enemy
Love Thine Enemy
Look at the glorious way in which Jesus interprets the scripture that went before him. “I am the Lord” –“That ye may be perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Is it then reasonable to love our enemies? God does; therefore it must be the highest reason. But is it reasonable to expect that man should become capable of doing so?
Love Thy Neighbor
Love Thy Neighbor
Who that loves his brother would not, upheld by the love of Christ, arise from the company of the blessed and walk down into the dismal regions of despair to sit with the last of the unredeemed, and be himself more blessed in the pains of hell than in the glories of heaven? Who, I mean, that had the mind of Christ, that had the love of the Father?
Love Thy Neighbor
Love Thy Neighbor
My brother in the flesh is my first neighbor, that I may learn brotherhood. My second neighbor is anyone with whom I have human dealings: the man who mends my clothes; the man who drives me in his cab, the man who begs from me in the street, and to whom, it may be, for his own sake, I must not give.