A faith, for instance, that God does not forgive me because he loves me, but because he loves Jesus Christ, cannot save me, because it is a falsehood against God: such a gospel would be the preaching of a God that was not love, therefore in whom was no salvation.
The Truth in Jesus
The Truth in Jesus
The Truth in Jesus
The Truth in Jesus
The Truth in Jesus
The Truth in Jesus
While the mind is occupied in enquiring, “Do I believe or feel this thing right?” the true question is forgotten: “Have I left all to follow him?” To the man who gives himself to the living Lord, every belief will necessarily come right; the Lord himself will see that his disciple believe aright concerning him.
The Truth in Jesus
The Truth in Jesus
The Truth in Jesus
Self Denial
There is another kind of forsaking that may fall to the lot of some, and which they may find very difficult: the forsaking of such notions of God and his Christ as they were taught in their youth, of which they have begun to doubt the truth, but which to cast away seems like parting with every assurance of safety....
Self Denial
Self Denial
Self Denial
Self Denial
To be no longer any care to ourselves, but know God taking divinest care of us, his own! To revel in the unsought love of those who love us as we love them! To know that we are in the child’s secret of existence, that we are pleasing in the eyes and to the heart of the Father! What a self is this to receive again from him for that we forsook!
Self Denial
Self Denial
When Jesus tells us we must follow him, he speaks first and always as the Son of the Father—and that in the active sense, as the obedient God, the Son who came expressly and only to do the will of the Father. At the moment he says Follow me, he is following the Father. It is nothing even thus to think of him, except thus we believe in him—that is, we do as he does...
Self Denial
Self Denial
It is God feeds us, warms us, quenches our thirst. The will of God must be to us all in all; the life of the Father must be the joy of the child; we must know our very understanding his—that we live and feed on him every hour in the closest way. To know these things in the depth of our knowing is to deny ourselves and take God instead...