Marissa Burt: Reveling in the Love of God
Like many others, I discovered MacDonald through the writings of C.S. Lewis. I had come across the name in Lewis' writings but in my early twenties grew intrigued enough to discover more about the man Lewis described as his "master." I first picked up Phantastes and was immediately drawn in by the dreamlike mythical quality of the writing and the layered insights that communicated truth through the experience of the story.
From there I read some of his other stories and set him aside for some time until in the past few years I picked up a volume of his sermons. I was reading his work in conjunction with Robert Farrar Capon's excellent work on the Parables of Jesus, and together MacDonald and Capon painted such a breath-taking picture of the love of God. I love how MacDonald revels in that love and simultaneously takes very seriously the implications of how we are to follow the teachings of Jesus and so love our neighbor.
Thanks for the opportunity to share how much I've delighted in MacDonald's works!