Wingfold: Summer 2021

Each quarterly issue of Barbara Amell’s journal, Wingfold, is a treasure trove of information. I’ve told her many times that her subscription prices are ridiculously low, but fortunately for you, that’s fallen on deaf ears. You can subscribe online (and receive this issue and the rest of the current year’s back issues) here:
U.S. Subscribers

Table of Contents

George MacDonald on Thomas Hood
Barbara Amell

George MacDonald in Jedburgh: Lecture on “Tom Hood”

Research News

In George MacDonald’s Country

Huntly Connections
Barbara Amell

Arundel Updates
Barbara Amell

George MacDonald: His Sussex Associations
Faith Venables

The Beginnings of Nonconformity in Arundel
Rev. Cyril H. Valentine

“Musical Language” or “Fudge” ?
Contrasting Views of Phantastes
Barbara Amell

Lecture on “Rime of the Ancient Mariner”

Dr. MacDonald at Croydon

