“I am the truth.”
The highest truth to the intellect is the relation in which man stands to the source of his being—his love to the love that kindled his power to love, his intellect to the intellect that lighted his. If a man deal with these things only as ideas to be analyzed, he treats them as facts and not as truths, and is no better—probably much the worse—for his converse with them, for he is false to all that is most worthy of his faithfulness. But when the soul becomes aware that he needs someone above him, whom to obey, in whom to rest, from whom to seek deliverance from what in himself is despicable; when he is aware of an opposition in him, that, while he hates it, is yet present with him, and seeming to be himself, what sometimes he calls the old Adam, sometimes the flesh, sometimes his lower nature, sometimes his evil self; then indeed is the man in the region of truth, and beginning to come true in himself. Nor will it be long ere he discover that there is no part in him with which he would be at strife, so God were there, so that it were true, what it ought to be; for, by whatever name called—the old Adam, or antecedent dog, or tiger, it would then fulfill its part holily, intruding upon nothing, subject utterly to the rule of the higher; dog or tiger, it would be good dog, good tiger.
by Dale Darling
"I am the truth."
Not the accumulation of facts.
"Nor will it be long ere he discover that there is no part in him with which he would be at strife, so God was there, so that it were true, what it ought to be..."
Once, driving to a lesson in the midst of confusion to which I did not yield, in obedience to a red light I stopped. On a track of living by faith for the next five minutes, I looked out the window and saw a steer lying on the sunlit grassy knoll staring into space. It was content, chewing it's cud. As I watched, at rest and without momentum, my heart filled and I said aloud,"Father help me to do human as well is that steer does cow."
These many years later the hope remains. "Nor will it be long," is a promise that mirror
time is short: the cow was 30 years ago, and His eternal presence always Is.
In, of, I AM TRUTH, is reality.
Come quickly Lord Jesus.
Love thy neighbor.